The Multi-Channel Retailer’s Reality in a Post-Amazon World
Customers have become channel agnostic, and as a result, retailers know they must be as well. But this year, the challenges typically associated with operating
a successful eChannel — all are overcome by cross-channel coordination and inventory deployment.
Key Findings Include:
- 50% of those with top-performing sales (Retail Winners) are operating more than 4 brands or sites online today, and their performance has nothing to
do with their size. In fact, no retailers with more than $1 Billion in annual revenue are using more than 4 sites or brands.
- 71% of Winners say their top opportunity is investing in cross-channel capabilities. The ability to close a sale in whichever channel is most convenient
to the consumer is exactly how they will continue to compete with Amazon.
- Laggards are the only performance segment still assigning high value to eCommerce branded deals of the day and promotional offers. Winners have clearly
moved on.
- Despite all the press around mobile payment initiatives, very few retailers strongly believe the technology will be viable this year.
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